Rahul Kumar

hello, i'm
rahul kumar

I am a Software Engineer based in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
After 10 incredible years full of adventure and travel, and having led a small travel company, the pandemic in 2020, gave me time to think about retaking my childhood dream of becoming a software engineer.

In the past I had worked with a few online tools like Wordpress and Wix but didn’t know much about programming (do you really think using a ready built theme downloaded from themeforest makes you a programmer?). So, I started searching online forums and videos for the correct path and took my first Javascript course on Udemy. Since then I can’t get enough and am always looking for books or articles related to web development.

The more I learn about programming and web development, the more I love it. It offers a ton of room for creativity and brings the best out of me for problem solving. I also love the fact that there is always something new to learn.

I know this is just the beginning and I have a long way to go in this digital world of creations, but I'm in no hurry. I’ll make my own way one step at a time.


Apart from the courses included in my degree, I have taken a number of online courses on Udemy, Youtube and like to read articles and blog by many senior web developers in the community, which has immensely improved my coding skills. So far, I have learnt:

FrontEnd: HTML, CSS, Sass, JavaScript, React, Redux, jQuery, Bootstrap and few other front-end development frameworks.

BackEnd: Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, PostgreSQL

  • HTML
  • CSS & Sass
  • Javascript
  • React
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Redux
  • Bootstrap & Semantic UI
  • Github
  • Google Adwords
  • Search Engine Optimization


my projects

I like to stay busy and always have a project in the works.
Take a look at some of the applications I have dedicated my time to. For source code please visit my GitHub account.

A plain JavaScript website that lets you search, and create Gifs using Giphy API.
Tools Used: HTML, SASS, JavaScript, ES6 Modules
Markdown Previewer
A single-page website that helps you convert and preview Markdown to plain text.
Tools Used: React, Marked API, Gh-Pages
Quote API
"Quote API" allows users to fetch a random quote, fetch all quotes listed in the database, fetch quotes by author, and post new quotes.
Tools Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Express, Heroku
Echelon Restaurant Finder
Echelon is a simple web application that lets you find restaurants based on best-match, locations, or reviews on Yelp.com
Tools Used: React, Gh-Pages
Evoke Travel
A simple travel booking website.
Tools Used:React, React Router, Node.js, Express, Mongoose, MongoDB, Heroku, Netlify
Netflix Clone
A simplified clone from Netflix. It uses The Movie Database API to search for movies and display details.
Tools Used: React, Redux, Tailwind CSS, Firebase Hosting and Authentication



Full Stack Engineer

Activities: HTML, CSS, Sass, Javascript, TDD with Javascript,React, Redux, Git & GitHub, Data Structures, Node.js, Express, SQL & PostgreSQL


Full Stack Web Developer

Activities: HTML, CSS, Sass, Javascript, Node.js, Express, SQL

Amity University

Computer Applications

BCA is a 3-year undergraduate program in Computer applications. It is a degree course offered by many universities and institutes in India. It is considered equivalent to a bachelor's in Computer Science. (currently enrolled in 2nd semester)

Jawaharlal Nehru University

Art Studies, General

Bachelor's in Spanish Language and Literature

Let's Keep In Touch

Feel free to reach out if you are looking for a developer, have a question, or just want to connect.

+54 9 11 6885 3431

Drop me a Line